Server Utilities


Learn more about the Server Utility helpers

List of current Helper Utilities

  • useCreemCheckout().createSession(): Initiates a new checkout session for a product.
  • useCreemProducts().list(): Retrieves a list of available products.
  • useCreemProducts().get(): Fetches details of a specific product by its ID.
  • useCreemProducts().create(): Adds a new product to the catalog.
  • useCreemCustomer().get(): Retrieves customer information using their ID and email.
  • useCreemCustomer().portal(): Provides access to the customer's billing portal.
  • useCreemSubscriptions().get(): Fetches details of a specific subscription.
  • useCreemSubscriptions().update(): Updates the details of an existing subscription.
  • useCreemSubscriptions().cancel(): Cancels an active subscription.
  • useCreemDiscount().create(): Creates a new discount offer.
  • useCreemLicense().validate(): Validates a license key for a product instance.
  • useCreemLicense().activate(): Activates a license for a product instance.
  • useCreemLicense().deactivate(): Deactivates a license for a product instance.
  • useCreemTransactions().list(): Lists transactions for a customer, with pagination support.
Stay tuned as we update the documentation with more examples and use cases.