Getting Started


Learn how to implement the Creem Module in your Nuxt project.
This is only a basic example of what you can achieve with the Creem module.

Basic Usage Example

Here is an example of a page that lists products and allows the user to initiate a checkout session for them.

  1. Design your UI and fetch the products from the Creem API.
  2. Create your own server endpoint and import the useCreemCheckout() composable to initiate a checkout session.
  3. You redirect the user to the checkout session URL.
  4. Wait for the user to complete the payment and return to your website.
  5. Have your webhook handle the payment and process the order.
  6. Go Wild!

Fetching Products

  // ...
      v-for="product in products.items"
      <template #default>
        <UButton @click="createCheckoutSession(product)">
          Buy for ${{ product.price / 100 }}
  // ...

<script setup lang="ts">
const { data: products, status } = await useFetch<CreemProductList>('/api/v1/products/list', {
  headers: {
    'content-type': 'application/json',

// Create checkout session and navigate to it
const createCheckoutSession = async (product: CreemProduct) => {
  const checkoutSessionUrl = await $fetch('/api/v1/checkout', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json',
    body: {
  await navigateTo(checkoutSessionUrl, { external: true })

Fetching a Checkout Session

On your page of your component, you can fetch a checkout session and navigate to it by creating your server endpoint and fetching the data using the server composables like useCreemCheckout().

  // ...
  <button @click="buyProduct(product)">
    Buy Product
  // ...

<script setup lang="ts">
const buyProduct = async (product: CreemProduct) => {
  const checkoutSessionUrl = await $fetch('/api/v1/checkout', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json',
    body: {
  await navigateTo(checkoutSessionUrl, { external: true })
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { product } = await readBody(event)
  const config = useRuntimeConfig()

  // Bring your own Auth, like Nuxt Auth Utils or any other auth provider.

  const session = await useCreemCheckout().createSession({ 
    return_url: `${config.public.site_url}${config.creem.return_url}` 

  if (!session.checkout_url) {
    throw createError({
      statusCode: 400,
      statusMessage: 'Failed to create checkout session',

  return session.checkout_url
Stay tuned as we update the documentation with more examples and use cases.